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Dr. Swift

Dr. Haley Swift


Dr. Swift was born and raised in San Antonio and graduated from Churchill High School. After which she attended Texas A&M University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Minor in Dance. She then continued her education at the University of Houston where she earned her degree as a Doctor of Optometry and certification as an Optometric Glaucoma Specialist.

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Practice Manager

Gus has been in the optometry industry since 2001 and has a passion of educating patients about the industry. Gus has a vast amount of knowledge in the optical and can't wait to help any patient. In his free time you will find Gus on the tennis courts and traveling all over Texas finding his next match!


Optometric Technician

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Hi, my name is Jessica. I'm married and have a wonderful family. My kids are my world! I am energetic and love getting things done. Anything worth doing is worth doing RIGHT.


Hi my name is Victoria! Being new to the optical world, I have come to fallen in love with it. Im outgoing and am always ready to help patients find their perfect frame. I’m a busy mom of 3 beautiful children, and love spending time with my family. My favorite things to do are trying new foods and working out!


Hi, my name is Andrea. I’ve only been in San Antonio about two years, one of those years has been working at this amazing office! I’m pretty new to the optometry world but am very excited and intrigued the more I learn. I spend my free time painting and making art for the people I love.

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