Warranty Form

Warranty Form

Warranty Form

Warranty Form

Warranty Form

Warranty Form

Warranty Form

Thank you for allowing us to take care of your vision needs

Our office backs your purchase with the following guarantees:

  • 60 Day Doctor Prescription Guarantee
    If you have your eyes examined by one of our doctors and experience visual discomfort after an initial adaptation period, our doctors will re-examine you within 60 days of the initial visit at a reduced exam fee. To avoid the need for this exam please convey all your specific visual needs, including distance to your computer monitor, to the doctor at your initial exam.

  • 45 Day Contact Lens Guarantee Fit
    If you are not satisfied with your contact lenses you may return them within 45 days of the initial visit for a re-fit. Opened boxes or color contacts excluded. Doctor's exam and fitting fees are non-refundable.

  • Free Lifetime Services on Glasses
    We will provide free cleaning, adjustments, nose pad replacement, replacement/tightening of screws and restringing of rimless frames for the life of your glasses.

  • Frame Warranty*
    Our frame manufacturers offer a one-year warranty against defects in workmanship (one-time frame replacement). Within one year of purchase we will replace your frame for a co-payment of $25 to cover costs of shipping and handling. This does not cover loss, abuse, accidental damage, super glue, or theft. ALL pieces of the frame must be returned for manufacturer warranty to be honored. If the frame has been discontinued a frame of equal or lesser value may be selected. We will not refund any cost difference; and any overage amount must be paid in addition to the frame warranty co-payment. There may also be an additional charge for lenses.

  • Lens Warranty*
    Should your lenses become scratched or the anti-glare coating become unserviceable within the first year of purchase we will replace the lenses (one-time replacement). Mirror-coated lenses are excluded. Lenses where anti-glare or scratch coating is denied at time of purchase are excluded. Abuse, neglect, or damage due to chemicals exempt. Some insurances may require an additional warranty copay at time of purchase. Lenses must be returned to honor warranty.

  • Progressive (no-line) Multifocals*
    If you are unable to adjust to your progressives lenses we will exchange them for single vision, lined bifocals or trifocals at no additional charge. Must be within 45 days of purchase. We will not return any cost difference.

  • Refund Policy
    Because glasses are custom made to your prescription, we are unable to issue refunds once an order has been completed. We will charge a restocking fee of at least 30% on canceled orders.

*No cash refunds. Warranty may vary according to insurance or vision care plan.

Contact Info

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